Oscar Scheller w/ Lily Allen – 1%

It’s late, you’re in an unfamiliar area, and your battery is running low. A sense of dread begins to set in. London talent on the rise Oscar Scheller turns that feeling of imminent bedlam into a charming electroni-bop with “1%.”

Lead single off of his upcoming HTTP404, the collaborative piece featuring fellow Brit Lily Allen is a playful back and forth concerning the ambiguity surrounding an unfinished text conversation as the phone’s power nears empty. A situation most have probably feared, Scheller and Allen make it deliciously agreeable through a jocund cadence and their harmonic rapport.

Stream below, grab a copy courtesy of Wichita Recordings Ltd, and spread that social love:

Oscar Scheller Facebook | Instagram | SoundCloud | Spotify | Twitter
Lily Allen Facebook | Instagram | SoundCloud | Spotify | Twitter

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